Artist Perspective

Take a Knee

You Stand for Them & I’ll Kneel for Them
In this society celebrities and athletes are praised for their talents, whether it be what they do on the stage, screen, field, or court. These last two years we have seen them be the target of much criticism for speaking out on social issues, such as police brutality and racial injustice within the criminal justice system. As a society, we have given them a platform to inspire the youth to shoot for the stars, and entertain the masses, but what message are we sending? When the same individuals we all look up to as role models are patronized for doing the right thing and taking a stand. What are we telling our children? Do not take a stand because you will be threatened or marginalized for it. One of the most controversial topics that was discussed these past two years in the media and that was plastered all over the headlines was, whether or not professional athletes should be required to stand for the national anthem? One side of this argument says that they should stand because if they do not then they are disrespecting all veterans, both living and dead, who fought for this country, defending its values, liberties, beliefs, and freedoms. The other side states that it is hypocritical to stand for an anthem and a flag when its ideals are not extended to all people in an equitable fashion. History proves that this country was founded on racism and discrimination. Also, this country has allowed race, which is a social construct to begin with, to be used as a wedge that seeks to divide Americans. This debate has led to people taking sides, basically saying, You stand for Them (veterans) and I’ll kneel for Them (people of color who have been oppressed, dehumanized, and brutalized by this country).
First and foremost, is a constitutional right to protest. The first amendment states that “[citizens] have the right to peaceably assemble” meaning protest and let their grievances be heard by those in power (US Const. Amend. I). All of this controversy began following 49ers Quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, taking a knee during the national anthem on the sideline prior to the start of the game. He did this to protest recent incidents across the country that have involve White officers shooting and killing unarmed Black men without any justice being served in the court system. In addition to this, he was protesting the racial inequalities that we see in this country at every level of society in terms educational, fiancial, and social opportunities. He used his platform to spread awareness about national issues that affect all of use whether we know it or not. He used the same platform that makes corporations billions of dollars annually, but received backlash because no one wanted to hear about this reality.
Colin Kaepernick devoted his life to the game of football and when he saw that someone needed to call out injustice. He jumped at the opportunity to take a stand. Colin Kaepernick did not do anything outrageous for his protest. He took a knee during the national anthem. It was a quite peaceful protest that did not bring harm to anyone as a result. Also, Colin Kaepernick had made it to the pinnacle of professional sports because of his hard work and dedication. It earned him prestige, wealth, fame, and status. Out of all those things that he gained as a result of his athletic ability, the two most important were the platform that he had and the influence that he had over the masses. Based on these factors, he chose to redirect his focus in life towards being a voice for the voiceless, and football was no longer as important. His actions, taking a knee, had a far greater purpose. It was meant to continue a conversation about topics that seems to have been going on for over 240 years, since the conception of this country, racial injustice and inequality. This small gesture in the grand scheme of things was a symbol of Colin Kaepernick's love and compassion for African Americans and people of color who are continuously innocent victims of senseless violence by the police and oppressed at the hands of society. 

Why was there so much backlash thrown Colin Kaepernick’s way? Maya Angelou once said, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." People initially felt something just by seeing Colin Kaepernick take a knee during the national anthem. Some might have felt anger and disbelief. While others felt a sense of pride and empowerment because he had the courage to shed light on the issue people tend to downplay. Colin Kaepernick received backlash because people felt he disrespected all veterans who defended the Constitution that granted him the right to protest in any peaceful manner. Some veterans were offended; but others were proud to have defended his rights to do so, and in no way, shape, or form, did any of them feel disrespected by his actions.
 Also, he received backlash because people want to silence him, in order to not discuss the uncomfortable topic of racial inequality that has and continues to plague our society. They just wanted to get rid of the uncomfortableness that they felt in the pit of their stomach. One thing that was thrown back in Colin Kaepernick’s face was that he was a millionaire and living a privileged lifestyle, so why are you (Colin Kaepernick) complaining. What people did not realize is that even though exceptionalism exist, he, as a black man in the United States, still deals with racism and discrimination no matter what and in spite of his celebrity. 

You Stand for Them & I’ll Kneel for Them
“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.” 
-Colin Kaepernick 
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." 
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
"You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it."
- Malcolm X 


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